761FCBB4-B49A-44D4-949A-1D3D2CEC5BDD-1ma5flg 761FCBB4-B49A-44D4-949A-1D3D2CEC5BDD-1ma5flg
As I wait at the St. Petersburg International Airport for my brief flight to Moscow and then on to New York, I marvel at how quickly the last ten days have transpired. It has been a wonderful experience of new friends, learning, adventure and missing home. I am ecstatic to be heading home and can hardly wait to see my dear wife and children. It is difficult to fully enjoy experiences like this without them, but I did make lasting friendships that will undoubtedly be the highlight of cherished memories from a once-in-a-lifetime World Cup experience. Back to the USA I am coming home from Russia with love.