It has been said multiple times within our group and it is something we are all getting to see with our own eyes, Russia, and Moscow specifically, are an amazing places. I think when I left for this trip 5 days ago to meet my classmates for this once in a lifetime trip, I harbored some preconceived notions constructed on the backs of spy movies and tv, our media, and our preconceived American ideals, that Russia is a place one should avoid. I am here to say that this sentiment is incorrect. I have been so pleasantly surprised by the warmth and hospitality of the people and the amazing quality of the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The people live normal everyday lives and struggle with the same issues each and everyone of us face in our own lives. And this is not to say that you should not be aware of your surroundings at all times and exercise caution with sound decision making when entering into any environment, but the same can be said of anyone visiting New York City, Washington, DC and Los Angeles. I’ve been to Serbia, Italy and Greece and from what I’ve learned, all it takes to break down the rough exterior of hardened European spirits is an open mind and willingness to make and effort to communicate in the native language. So far, my rough Russian words and phrases have brought smiles to faces and the mutual appreciation to meet them on their own terms. I’m so very excited to see who we meet and the relationships we develop with our hosts in the coming days as we work to repair and build the trust and understanding that goes with the notion of human connection.